Laser Technology
Innovative Photonic Solutions (IPS) has been an innovator and leader in the field of commercializing wavelength-stabilized semiconductor laser sources since 2003. IPS utilizes its proprietary hybrid external cavity (HECL) design (S.L. Rudder, J.C. Connolly, and G.J. Steckman “Hybrid ECL/DBR wavelength and spectrum stabilized lasers demonstrate high power and narrow spectral linewidth”, Proc. SPIE 6101, Laser Beam Control and Applications, 61010I (2006) [1] and US Patents 7,889,776, 9,287,681, 9,577,409, and 10,090.642 for additional details) to stabilize both single- and multiple-spatial mode semiconductor lasers for a variety of applications that span visible to infrared wavelengths.
With IPS’s HECL technology, single-spatial mode lasers spectral bandwidth reduces to a single-frequency, single longitudinal mode that has a measured linewidth as low as ~ 10 kHz.
Spectral broadening due to customer specific laser driver electronics and TEC control noise may increase this to ~ 50 MHz. Multi-spatial mode lasers have a spectral bandwidth of < 0.1 nm.
These laser technology devices offer side mode suppression ratios (SMSR) better than 40 dB; providing extremely high signal to noise ratio and exhibit highly-stable wavelength versus temperature characteristics of ~ 0.007 nm/°C; which eliminates the need for complex control circuitry.
Products + Technology

Our products and technology have enabled the wide-spread use of these compact narrow-linewidth sources for chemical analysis, bio-medical, fiber laser, and scientific markets. IPS specializes in the integration of semiconductor lasers, high-reliability micro-optic packaging, precision control electronics, and digital control for these applications.
Full Suite of Solutions
IPS offers a full suite of free-space and fiber-coupled wavelength-stabilized OEM laser components, OEM modules that incorporate high-stability laser and thermoelectric (TEC) cooler drivers, and full turn-key systems. The laser and TEC drivers can be controlled with analog modulation or digital control with I2C, RS232, or USB communication. Basic software graphical user interfaces are available with either Labview or C# drivers.
In addition, IPS offers high-throughput Raman probes for both single and dual laser sources. These probes can be configured for different wavelengths, cut-on wavenumbers, input and output fiber core diameters, and spectrometers. These probes come with a range of accessories including: detachable fibers, an XYZ stage, and liquid cuvette sample holder. The configurable laser technology components can be bundled together to form the building blocks of complete Raman spectroscopy hardware solution.