Raman Spectroscopy
IPS supplies over 70% of all Raman spectroscopy system integrators with their diode-based Raman excitation sources, and is the “Gold Standard” for high performance wavelength stabilized lasers.
Raman spectroscopy is a vibrational spectroscopy method that has successfully been used in the lab for some time, and has recently gained traction commercially as an affordable and accurate way to get qualitative and quantitative information instantly without destroying the sample. Raman spectroscopy can also be used to analyze aqueous solutions removing tedious sample prep required for other analytical techniques.
Standard wavelengths used for Raman Spectroscopy:
532 nm
647 nm
808 nm
633 nm
780 nm
830 nm
638 nm
785 nm
1064 nm
Powers range from 30 mW to as much as 6W
In general Raman spectroscopy is used to detect the unique chemical signature of a target material and has been utilized for:
- Pharmaceutical and Process Control
- Cancer Detection
- Food Safety / Contaminant Detection
- Raw Materials and Mixture Analysis
- Biomedical / Dental Sensors
- Explosive, Biological, Chemical Agent and Drug Detection
- Medical Diagnostics
- Therapeutic Drug Monitoring

Figure 1: Image depicts issues with the location of the actual vs ideal focal point when divergent vs collimated beams are used AND when the lens is underfilled.
IPS utilizes a unique technology known as wavelength stabilization to assemble a Hybrid ECL (HECL). This technology allows us to “lock” the laser to the desired spectral line AND shape the spectral output. This is ideal because we can provide extremely narrow wavelength sources (in both multi-mode and single mode configurations) that remain locked at the desired excitation wavelength regardless of ambient temperature changes, vibrations, back reflections, and of course time.
For more information, check out our Literature References.
Additional Applications:
Related Products
We offer a complete line of Raman Spectroscopy lasers including:

TO-Can-56 and Guts Package

Single-Mode Open-Beam Butterfly Package

Single Mode Fiber Coupled Butterfly Package

Multimode Open-Beam Butterfly Package

Multimode Fiber-Coupled Butterfly Package

Multiple Laser Packages

Configurable Raman Probe

Single-Mode Digital D-Type Module

Diode-Pumped Solid-State Laser

Multi-Mode Digital M-Type Module

Single-Mode Digital Tethered Module

Integrated Raman Probe

Multi-Mode Digital Dual Wavelength Laser Source

Fiber-Combined Multiple Laser Sources