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IPS Literature References

Raman Spectroscopy - Historical Art Identification

D. Delsate, et al., “De l’ocre sur le crâne mésolithique (haplogroupe U5a) de Reuland-Loschbour (Grand-Duché de Luxembourg).” Bulletin de la Société Préhistorique Luxembourgeoise 31, 7 (2009).

W. Fremout and S. Saverwyns, “Identification of synthetic organic pigments: role of a comprehensive digital Raman spectral library,” Jl. of Raman Spectroscopy, 43, 1536 (2012).

M. Van Strydonck, et al. “14C-dating of the skeleton remains and the content of the lead coffin attributed to the Blessed Idesbald (Abbey of the Dunes, Koksijde, Belgium).” Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 5, 276 (2016).

I. Osticioli, et al., “Temperature-controlled portable Raman spectroscopy of photothermally sensitive pigments,” Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 238, 772 (2017).

S. Saverwyns, et al., “Macro X-ray fluorescence scanning (MA-XRF) as tool in the authentication of paintings,” Microchemical Journal, 137, 139 (2018).

M. Vermeulen, et al., “Identification by Raman spectroscopy of pararealgar as a starting material in the synthesis of amorphous arsenic sulfide pigments,” Dyes and Pigments, 149, 290 (2018).

M. Vermeulen, et al., “Study of dry- and wet-process amorphous arsenic sulfides: Synthesis, Raman reference spectra, and identification in historical art materials,” Jl. of Raman Spectroscopy, 50, 396 (2019).

D. Steyaert, et al., “Japanning in Spa at the End of the Seventeenth Century to the Middle of the Eighteenth Century: Historical Context and Materials for Lacquered bois de Spa,” Studies in Conservation, 64:sup1, S14-S30 (2019).

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