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IPS Literature References

Raman Spectroscopy - Biomedical Sensors

M. Naji, et al., “A novel method of using hollow-core photonic crystal fiber as a Raman biosensor”, Proc. SPIE 6865, Nanoscale Imaging, Sensing, and Actuation for Biomedical Applications V, 68650E (2008).

Z.J. Smith, and A. J. Berger. “Validation of an integrated Raman-and angular-scattering microscopy system on heterogeneous bead mixtures and single human immune cells.” Applied Optics 48, D109 (2009).

V.S. Tiwari, et al., “Detection of amino acid neurotransmitters by surface enhanced Raman scattering and hollow core photonic crystal fiber”, Proc. SPIE 8233, Reporters, Markers, Dyes, Nanoparticles, and Molecular Probes for Biomedical Applications IV, 82330Q (2012).

B.D. Beier, et al., “Raman microspectroscopy for species identification and mapping within bacterial biofilms,” AMB Expr 2, 35 (2012).

N.G. Greeneltch, et al. “Near-infrared surface-enhanced raman spectroscopy (NIR-SERS) for the identification of eosin Y: Theoretical calculations and evaluation of two different nanoplasmonic substrates.” The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 116,11863 (2012).

A. Ron, et al., “A tissue mimicking phantom model for applications combining light and ultrasound”, Proc. SPIE 8583, Design and Performance Validation of Phantoms Used in Conjunction with Optical Measurement of Tissue V, 858307 (2013).

A. Khmaladze, et al., “Raman fiberoptic probe for monitoring human tissue engineered oral mucosa constructs”, Proc. SPIE 8579, Optical Interactions with Tissue and Cells XXIV, 85790L (2013).

R.L. Agapov, et al., “Lithography-free approach to highly efficient, scalable SERS substrates based on disordered clusters of disc-on-pillar structures,” Nanotechnology, 24(50), 505302 (2013).

N.G. Greeneltch, et al. “Plasmon-sampled surface-enhanced Raman excitation spectroscopy on silver immobilized nanorod assemblies and optimization for near infrared (λex= 1064 nm) studies.” The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 117, 2554 (2013).

N. Valley, et al. “A look at the origin and magnitude of the chemical contribution to the enhancement mechanism of surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS): theory and experiment.” The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 4.16, 2599 (2013).

N.G. Greeneltch, et al. “Immobilized nanorod assemblies: fabrication and understanding of large area surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy substrates.” Analytical chemistry 85, 2297 (2013).

Z. Wang, et al., “Use of a mechanical iris-based fiber optic probe for spatially offset Raman spectroscopy,” Opt. Lett. 39, 3790 (2014).

K.K. Chow, et al., “A Raman cell based on hollow core photonic crystal fiber for human breath analysis,” Medical Physics, 41, 092701 (2014).

I.P. Santos, et al., “Implementation of a novel low-noise InGaAs detector enabling rapid near-infrared multichannel Raman spectroscopy of pigmented biological samples,” Jl. of Raman Spectroscopy, 46, 652 (2015).

I.E.I. Petterson, et al., “Characterization of a fibre optic Raman probe within a hypodermic needle,” Anal Bioanal Chem 407, 8311 (2015).

M. Tivnan, et al., “High Frequency Sampling of TTL Pulses on a Raspberry Pi for Diffuse Correlation Spectroscopy Applications,” Sensors15, 19709 (2015).

D.G. Mackanic, et al. “Analysis of photothermal release of oligonucleotides from hollow gold nanospheres by surface-enhanced Raman scattering.” The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 120.37 20677 (2016).

T. Yamawaki, et al. “Regulatory implications of structural changes in Tyr201 of the oxygen sensor protein FixL.” Biochemistry 55.29, 4027 (2016).

C. Hanson and E. Vargis, “Alternative cDEP Design to Facilitate Cell Isolation for Identification by Raman Spectroscopy,” Sensors, 17, 327 (2017).

E.S. Shibu, et al., “Small Gold Nanorods with Tunable Absorption for Photothermal Microscopy in Cells”,  Advanced Science, 4, 1600280 (2017).

B. Sharma and A. S. Moody, “Detection of neurotransmitters through the skull by surface-enhanced spatially-offset Raman spectroscopy,” in Advanced Photonics 2017 (IPR, NOMA, Sensors, Networks, SPPCom, PS), OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America, 2017), paper SeTu2E.5.

J. Schleusener, et al., “Depth-dependent autofluorescence photobleaching using 325, 473, 633, and 785 nm of porcine ear skin ex vivo,” Journal of Biomedical Optics 22(9), 091503 (2017).

D. Creasey, et al., “1064-nm Raman: The Right Choice for Biological Samples?.” Spectroscopy Online (2017).

A. Ghita, et al., “High sensitivity non-invasive detection of calcifications deep inside biological tissue using transmission Raman spectroscopy,” Jl. Biophotonics, 11, e201600260 (2018).

Z. Zeng and Z.D. Schultz, “Local heating effect study by photothermal imaging”, Proc. SPIE 10726, Nanoimaging and Nanospectroscopy VI, 107260H (2018).

A. Ghita, et al. “Sensitivity of Transmission Raman Spectroscopy Signals to Temperature of Biological Tissues,” Sci Rep 8, 8379 (2018).

T.J. Moore and B. Sharma. “Volatile Organic Compound Detection using Porous-Silicon-Oxide Coated Disc-on-Pillar Arrays.” Optical Sensors. Optical Society of America, (2018).

Y.-C. Ou, et al. “Diagnosis of immunomarkers in vivo via multiplexed surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy with gold nanostars.” Nanoscale 10, 13092 (2018). 

C. Hanson, et al., “Simultaneous isolation and label-free identification of bacteria using contactless dielectrophoresis and Raman spectroscopy,” Electrophoresis, 40, 1446 (2019).

S.H. Hilton, et al., “Phenotypically distinguishing ESBL-producing pathogens using paper-based surface enhanced Raman sensors,” Analytica Chimica Acta, 1127, 207 (2020).

H. Nozue, et al. Growth-phase dependent morphological alteration in higher plant thylakoid is accompanied by changes in both photodamage and repair rates,” Physiologia Plantarum, 172, 1983 (2021). 

S. Zhang, et al., “Design and performance of a dark-field probe with confocal Raman spectroscopy for ophthalmic applications,” J. Raman Spectroscopy, 52, 1371 (2021).

B. Gardner, et al., “Self-absorption corrected non-invasive transmission Raman spectroscopy (of biological tissue),” Analyst, 146, 1260 (2021).

S. Zhang, et al. Raman spectroscopic detection of interleukin-10 and angiotensin converting enzyme. J. Eur. Opt. Soc.-Rapid Publ. 17, 7 (2021).

G.M. Sarabia, et al., “Non-destructive Raman spectroscopic determination of freshwater mollusk composition, growth, and damage repair,” Analyst, 146, 6288 (2021).

J.H. Choi, et al. “Combination of Porous Silk Fibroin Substrate and Gold Nanocracks as a Novel SERS Platform for a High-Sensitivity Biosensor,” Biosensors, 11, 441 (2021).

C. Leroy, et al., ”From operando Raman mechanochemistry to “NMR crystallography”: understanding the structures and interconversion of Zn-terephthalate networks using selective 17O-labelling,” ChemRxiv. Cambridge: Cambridge Open Engage; (2021).

W.F. Schmidt, et al. “Unique and Redundant Spectral Fingerprints of Docosahexaenoic, Alpha-Linolenic and Gamma-Linolenic Acids in Binary Mixtures.” Journal of Molecular Liquids, 358, 119222 (2022).

J.H. Choi, et al. “Biological SERS-active sensor platform based on flexible silk fibroin film and gold nanoislands.” Optics Express 30.5, 7782 (2022).

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